Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

A place of Peace in North Africa

Our Field Partners in North Africa are working hard to create a place of peace for the displaced Arab population.

War and poverty has led millions of Arabs to flee their home country for the relative safety of North Africa. While many of these are registered refugees, others hope to return to their home country one day in safer circumstances, or after receiving medical care.

Though they are allowed entrance into North Africa, the government provides no further assistance and work is hard to come by. Many of these refugees continue to live in poverty, but now in a foreign country separated from their families or support systems. Even leaving their small apartments for the day is impossible for some, as they are unable to afford the minimal costs of transportation or activities.

Our Partners there have launched a Center in the heart of the area where most of these displaced people live. The purpose, one of our Partners said, was to create a place of peace that people can retreat to. In a crowded and chaotic city, they want to provide a space that is quiet, clean, and restful.

Several days a week, our Partners host free activities open to the community. There are art lessons, craft workshops, and medical clinics where participants receive free basic supplies and education. Soon, they will offer guitar lessons. These community activities not only help meet the physical needs of the neighborhood, but also provide vital opportunities for community that refugees—especially women—don’t have access to.

These people come from one of the least reached people groups in the world, and now they live in a safer, more accessible location. But though it is not illegal to be a Christian, these displaced people still face incredible amounts of family and community pressure to reject Christ. No one feels comfortable asking questions about religion, especially in group conversations, and even believers find it hard to trust each other.

Our Partners use the Center activities as a means of developing relationships, and visiting participants in their homes. Away from strangers, people are more willing to receive prayer and show their curiosity in Jesus.

The Center recently underwent many renovations, and now it is a beautiful and peaceful space for community. Soon, they will finish a rooftop patio where community members can relax and engage in conversation. Within the next few weeks, our Partners hope to be hosting activities and workshops every week day.

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

a Prayer for our Field Partners

Join us in praying 1 Thessalonians for our Feld Partners

“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

Throughout the past few years, the stories our Field Partners have been sharing have been focused more and more of their experiences of persecution, and the incredible ways that the church is growing despite these hardships. Specifically in Myanmar and Central Asia, the situation for Christians has become almost impossibly hard. And yet, we are seeing growth like never before.

This year, we as a staff, are using 1 Thessalonians as a guide to our prayer for our Field Partners. In this letter, Paul is expressing deep gratitude for this beautiful history of faithfulness between him, God, and the church at Thessalonica, despite hardships the church had experienced.

Join us in remembering our Field Partners all over the world, thanking God for their boldness and faithfulness, and praying for their safety and for the continued growth of their ministries.

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

Hope amid fear in Central Asia

“We have kept the light of hope on in our area, although with great fear.”

Our Partners in Central Asia are always finding creative ways to serve their communities and bring about opportunities to introduce gospel conversations. One Partner, I*, has been helping facilitate an underground school for girls as well as vocational training for women. These women now have the opportunity to learn a trade in carpet weaving or tailoring, giving them the ability to work from home and help support their families. In a recent conversation, I* shared this story:

“One of the students who learned tailoring and now works at her home said, ‘I go to the shops and buy small fabrics that cannot be sold. I buy them cheaply, then I bring them home, sew children's clothes, and then sell them.’  

Her eyes sparkled with joy as she explained her plan. I think she's found her way now and she's not waiting for someone to help her, which was not the case before.

I'm not saying it's a great job and pays well, but she has found the confidence to stand on her own feet and be financially independent in the future. This is perfect for a girl here and in these conditions.”

Though many good relationships are being started and many women are finding hope, the situation in the country is getting worse day by day. The girls and women in these programs are very worried for their safety, and are often escorted by family members. Around the country, women have been arrested and beaten for not wearing "proper" head coverings.

I* also included this piece in his report:

“The days are hard. The roar of ignorance and madness seeks to destroy everything: humanity, ethics, teaching, education. And even being alive. Going out is a sin, speaking is a crime. But the question is what should be done?

Until now, with your cooperation, we have kept the light of hope on in our area, although with great fear. How tragic it is that a mother takes her daughters to school, and waits every day with fear for her daughter to come back home? Only God knows this, and they themselves.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to write everything, sign all the sufferings, show all the sorrows with words. We can only thank each and every one of you for standing by these girls and making it easier to bear this suffering. You give hope.”

This work is not without risk to I*, the teachers, the students, the women learning to sew, and possibly the families of those who participate in these things. Please pray for their protection, for their encouragement, and for their continued boldness.

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

3 Updates from Myanmar

3 Updates from our Field Partners in Myanmar

Recently, we connected with several of our Myanmar Field Partners over Zoom. The ongoing military crisis continues to impact daily life for everyone. Several mentioned major concerns with the new conscription law instituted by the junta requiring all healthy men and women between 18-35 to sign up for two years of military service. Junta officials are visiting homes to take a census.

  • One of our Partners was warned not to allow new people to stay at the house and to report any visitors immediately. He is hosting discipleship training for young people, but officially calling it an English class due to the risk from the military. 

  • Raj, a church planter and Field Partner, told us, "We are very close to the fighting and are often worried about what will happen, even in the next hour. Last night we packed our bags and were ready to run but realized we did not need to yet." 

  • Please keep Paung Maung in your prayers; he was in a bad motorbike accident and suffered a head injury. He is currently staying at a hospital receiving treatment. 

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

Myanmar Christmas Outreach

Every year, many of our Myanmar Field Partners host Christmas outreach events for their communities. These are often their biggest events of the year, and serve as a way to build relationships with those in their neighborhoods. This year sixteen Field Partners hosted events in 28 locations and were attended by 6355 people. In the month of December, 254 people chose to start following Jesus and 37 new believers were baptized! Though the Christmas celebrations are over, our Partners will continue to foster the relationships built during these events and follow up during the year.

Unfortunately, violence from the military junta continues to spread throughout the country which prevented several of our Field Partners from hosting Christmas events.

As the fighting moves closer to villages and urban areas, please keep our Partners who live in these dangerous places in your prayers. While some Partners have relocated to safer areas with their families, Myo San has chosen to stay in his village. He is using his home and resources to shelter the elderly, sick, or other neighbors who are not able to flee to safer areas.

We are so proud to be supporting Myo San’s work. Join us in prayer for relief from fear and violence in Myanmar, as well as for the continued resilience of our Field Partners.

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

Our Newest Location

Learn about Uncharted’s newest Location and Field Partners!

Over 3 billion people still haven’t heard the hope of the gospel. And the vast majority of global mission efforts are focused on places considered already reached. That’s why we’re committed to connecting you to disciple-makers in overlooked places, and to going boldly to new Locations where the local church needs support. And we’re excited to share our newest Location!

We’re proud to share that Uncharted now has six new Field Partners in the Himalayas! We are partnering with four men and two women who are recent graduations of church planting training, and are setting out to remote villages to share the gospel and create Christian community. Due to security concerns, we can’t publicly share our new Partner’s names, faces, or locations, but we are excited to keep you in the loop of their new ministries.

The region of our focus in the Himalayas is home to around 27 million unreached people and is considered less than 1% reached. Our Field Partners, all natives of the region, often have to travel to remote places in order to reach new villages, and that can mean biking 30-40 miles to visit a new church plant.

One new Partner, M*, is a young woman serving in a small village. M is from a low caste, or disrespected ethnic group, and is struggling to be accepted among high caste villagers. But despite these difficulties, M has led four people to Christ and started a house church with two of them.

We can’t wait to see how these brave men and women share the hope of Christ in their communities!

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

Ministry among the Romani people

Learn about our Field Partner working in southern Serbia

In Serbia, we partner with Bridge United and church planters across the country. One of our Field Partners is Avdija, a Romani church planter living in Vranjea city in south Serbia.

In recent years there’s been a lot of gospel movement happening among the Romani community in Serbia. Romani are a stateless people numbering anywhere between 2 and 12 million, and live mostly in Europe and western Asia. As a people group, they’ve historically faced much discrimination and still deal with racism today. Though they’re spread across countries, there is a unique Romani culture that includes a musical and artistic emphasis and strong sense of family and community.

Avdija has been planting churches in and around Vranje with the goal to raise up and equip young leaders. Many young people leave Serbia due to the hard economic and difficulties finding employment, so Avdija is encouraging them to plant churches where they move.

Recently, four young leaders from Avdija’s church have moved and planted a new church near Cologne, Germany. The church is hoping to partner with other churches in Serbia, Germany, and Sweden to develop new relationships among Romani people.

The next location Avdija' has in mind is a city near the Kosovo border. The area has a strong Muslim influence, but also a tense history with Serbia. Avdiaj’s hope for this location would be to help reconcile people with God and one another.

“We have challenges,” he said, “but that helps us focus on Him.”

This summer, the churches in Vranje hosted many ministry activities and camps, partnering with 13 other churches and organizations. Through their efforts, 625 kids heard the gospel for the first time, and 37 made decisions to follow Christ.

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

Difficulties in Myanmar

Recently, our staff was able to connect with two of our Myanmar Field Partners—David, our ministry coordinator, and Van Thang, a church planter. We asked them about the current climate in Myanmar and how we can be praying for them.

Recently, our staff was able to connect with two of our Myanmar Field Partners—David, our ministry coordinator, and Van Thang, a church planter. We asked them about the current climate in Myanmar and how we can be praying for them. In Myanmar, the military junta continues to cause chaos and violence throughout the country.

Though cities like Yangon are relatively stable, many other regions are experiencing constant fighting, bombing, and fires. Thousands of people have been displaced. Many feel there is no hope for positive change. Even times of stability are fraught with worry, as no one knows what might happen next.

Our Field Partners, spread throughout the country, have been boldly and faithfully serving their communities. They are distributing food, helping people set up shelters, and sharing their land with displaced people. And all the while they are spiritually encouraging those they meet, sharing about the hope of Christ and for eternity. Because so many people have been displaced, the numerous religious and ethnic groups in Myanmar have become less segregated. More people are having to rely on each other, breaking down religious and ethnic barriers. And people living in refugee camps are able to live alongside Christians for the first time, and experience the love of Christ first hand.

As you remember our Partners in Myanmar, please do not cease in praying for them. David and Van Thang shared a few ways you can pray: As the situation in the country seems like it will only be getting worse, pray for the safety and physical health of our Field Partners. And be ready to respond to physical needs that are sure to come in the future—both for our Partners and for the new believers. Pray for more opportunities for our Field Partners to share the gospel with others.

Encouragement means a lot to our Field Partners. You can let them know you’re praying for them by sending a message through our website: unchartedinternational.org/write

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

A Loss in Serbia

We are sad to share that our Serbian Field Partner, Sasa, recently passed away.

We are sad to share that our Serbian Field Partner, Sasa, recently passed away from complications following a stroke.

Sasa was a faithful and effective pastor and church planter who spent decades investing in his community and changing the public perception of the Church.

One of the ways Sasa cared for his community was by giving to those with low incomes, despite having little to share himself. But the generosity of Sasa and his church was multiplied by the Lord and inspired others to do the same. This March, there was little to share and a meal distribution ministry didn’t seem possible with sickness and a lack of resources. As the pastors in the area prayed for something to provide to needy families, Sasa received a call from a restaurant telling him they’ve prepared food for 50 people that he can distribute to people in his community.

Sasa leaves behind a family, including a young son who just started or will soon start the Bridge United church planting program. Please pray for Sasa’s family, and his community, as they grieve their loss.

A team from One Life Henderson, with Bridge United director Dusan Smudja, visiting Sasa (left) on a 2022 trip.

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

Baptisms in Central Asia

Learn more about our Field Partner’s recent baptisms in Central Asia.

Our partners in Central Asia are introducing the hope of Christ to the unreached, but the story doesn’t end there. Faithful leaders are crucial in discipling new believers in overlooked places.

One of our partners, A*, is a woman living outside the main country of our focus and disciples believers who have fled. Here is a recent story she shared with us:

“In the last days of April, I met three sisters who were believers. They had received the gospel in their home country, but were unable to be baptized. So on May 4 we gathered together at their request, and in the bathtub I baptized them in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

“One of the sisters is E*. E got married 14 years ago and had five children. While she was a mother and a woman at home, she earned a degree in psychology. Her life was going well, but one day she heard the news of her husband’s death, killed because of a family feud. After his death, she began a difficult life with her children.

“Days and months passed until one day, a brother who believed in Jesus Christ shared gospel with E. She was only able to join the meeting of believers twice before the government collapsed.”

E and her children escaped the country and moved near our Field Partner. When our partner met E and her sisters, they quickly bonded and our partner brought up the idea of baptism.

“On May 4, we gathered together in the house of Sister E and they were baptized in the bathtub with the help of the Holy God Jesus Christ. After the baptism, they were very happy, and they felt that they were being lightened and that they had been lifted from their burdens.”

Our partner was able to baptize the three believers. And when E’s eldest daughter heard her mother describe her experience, she chose to be baptized as well.

“When I asked her daughter how she felt. She said, ‘I am no longer anxious as I had been before, and now I feel at ease.’ We didn’t know each other before but God gave me this opportunity to know them and they asked me for baptism.”

We are honored to stand alongside bold disciple-makers like A and brave women like E and her sisters! Please continue to pray for the growth of this small community, that their impact be mighty.

To support our Field Partners like A, join our Base Camp community. By committing to give monthly, at any amount, you can equip and encourage disciple-makers around the world. Head to our Base Camp page to learn more.

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

Uncharted expands

Uncharted expands westward as the Stewart family moves to Colorado.

The Stewart family in their new home state of Colorado.

After seven amazing years of living in Evansville, IN, the Stewart family has moved to Denver, CO! Ben (Uncharted’s President) and Kathy (Relational Curator) Stewart, along with the Uncharted board and leadership team, have discerned that this is the best move for their family and the organization.

Uncharted is expanding. We will maintain our office in Evansville (did you know we rent out our building space in Evansville to three other faith-based non-profits?) and expand a second working-hub in Denver. As our network of Church Partners continues to spread across the US, it’s important to have a Midwest/East-coast presence and a Mountain/West-coast presence. In addition, the Stewarts proximity to the Denver International Airport will make international travel easier and cost-effective. All of this allows us to increase our intentionality on the importance of relationship—being more present with both our Field Partners internationally and Church Partners domestically.

The Staff is decentralized. Our staff has officially shifted to a decentralized working model, though we’ve actually been doing this for several months already! We have staff in Indiana, Illinois, and Colorado, and don’t want geographical location to be a constraint for future hires. This allows us to decrease costs, hire top-notch people without requiring them to relocate, and remain nimble as an organization. Our biggest challenge is fostering the healthy staff culture we’ve worked hard to build over the last few years. But the team is stepping up to the challenge and finding creative ways to stay connected, deepen relationships, and remain focused on the mission to which we are aligned.

All of this represents a significant shift for Uncharted. More than a new chapter, it feels like the start of the next book in a series: same story, but a significant new part of the tale. The board and leadership team are excited about where God is taking Uncharted and what this move represents. We are humbled by the growth we’ve seen over the past few years, and we thank you for playing such a significant role in helping us get to where we are today. But we believe there’s more to come! Driven by our vision to help people do brave things to advance God’s Kingdom, we long to work together to reach the unreached and activate God’s people into His mission.

We are grateful for you. Let’s continue to Go Boldly together.

The Uncharted board and leadership team

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

Myanmar Cyclone

A cyclone in Myanmar causes significant damage to our partner’s home.

In early May, a massive cyclone hit Myanmar causing immense damage and killing at least 400 people. The true extent of the destruction is hard to know due to flooding, blocked roads and downed communications.

Thankfully all of our friends and partners were physically safe, but Aung Pha and Thida suffered significant damage to their home. Insurance does not exist in Myanmar in the way we are familiar with, and in the face of disaster many people are left on their own.

We were able to help Aung Pha receive the financial support needed to repair his homearound $1,700 US dollars. Because of the generosity of the Uncharted community, we were able to respond immediately and Aung Pha is able to start working back toward normalcy for his family. If you would like to contribute to designated funds for Myanmar and be a part of responses to immediate needs and emergencies, you can make a special gift to Myanmar here.

While clean-up efforts are underway for the millions of people affected by the storm, clean water and supplies are running low, and there is a critical need for shelters, food, medicine and healthcare services. Please continue to keep the people of Myanmar in your prayers and pray for our Field Partners to find ways to respond.

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

Our newest field partner in myanmar

Relationship-building is key to Uncharted’s growth, whether it’s adding Locations or Field Partners. In Myanmar, family relationships are becoming ministry relationships and we’re excited to share about our newest Field Partner there.

Chan Hmung and his wife Su Su have been working to bring the Gospel to their village for many years. The ongoing war forced their family to uproot several times in the past couple years, and they long to return home where they see themselves "doing ministry until we die of old age." Currently Chan Hmung and Su Su live in the town of Laungshee, where they minister alongside their son Jacob, and Jacob’s wife Martha.

Because of the displacement of Myanmar people caused by the war and pandemic, Chan Hmung has become a traveling evangelist, sharing the Gospel in refugee camps alongside local churches. While Chan Hmung has been expanding his ministry, Jacob recently finished seminary in India and he and Martha have a strong call to mission work.

As Chan Hmung moves away from church planting, he has requested to hand off his relationship with Uncharted to Jacob and Martha, who are committed to staying in Laungshee and establishing roots for their family and ministry.

Laungshee is completely Buddhist. Prior to the current situation, no Christians were allowed to live there, but when violence became more widespread they opened the doors to the family, and Jacob has been sharing the Gospel. He said even though their family was forced there by the war, he believes God brought them there.

Jacob wrote, “Before the war, in Laungshee, they didn't allow Christians to rent or live. But God makes a way in times of difficulty. Because of the war, many displaced people came to live in Laungshee. I thought I should take this opportunity to spread the Gospel. Many years ago, there was a missionary in Laungshee. When they became known as a Christian, they cast him out. As for us, they welcome us warmly, only by His grace.”

One of the key aspects of Jacob and Martha’s ministry is hosting English classes young people. Jacob also is working to build relationships and share the Gospel in neighboring villages.

“Whether someone supports us or not, I will be doing ministry in Laungshee. Many people in Laungshee never hear about the Gospel, or in the needy villages around the Laungshee town.

“In order to do Gospel ministry, many servants of God are needed here. So I should be one of them, and I hope and believe that God must have chosen people in this place before the foundation of the world.Hence, I am deeply glad that God has given me a chance to join this ministry, as your fellow worker in Christ.

“And here I am, to stand by, follow the ministry's regulations for the sake of Christ.”

We’re working on finding the right way to stay connected with Chan Hmung, and are proud to have been a part of his expanding ministry. An we are excited to begin our partnership with Jacob and Martha, and continue our work advancing God’s Kingdom in Myanmar.

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

A Visit to Central Asia

For the first time in nearly two years, Uncharted was able to spend time with our Central Asia partners in person.

For the first time in nearly two years, Uncharted was able to send two staff members to visit our team in Central Asia. The trip was significant for both our staff and our international team, and filled with meaningful moments—including the opportunity to meet some of our Field Partners in person for the first time.

While in Central Asia, our trade school program celebrated a graduation for the electrician program. Each graduate receives a toolkit necessary for the profession, and several students have already started a business together.

Due to changes made by the new government, female students and staff have not been allowed to return to the business and trade programs. Our staff on the ground have been working and meeting with officials in an attempt to gain permission for their colleagues to return. Though the work is slow and frustrating, we are excited to share that female teachers and staff have been able to return to the primary school—thanks to the determination and hard work of our staff in Central Asia.

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

Update from Serbia

In Serbia, we partner with Bridges United - an organization that trains church planters all around the country. Recently we heard that some of our partners near the city of Vranje had 38 baptisms!

They also had an outreach event where over 50 people attended and made decisions to start following Jesus. Several of our partners have continued to start groups and plant churches in new villages where there are no local churches at all.

As we continue to add new Field Partners in Serbia, keep them in your prayers. One of our partners, Stefen, lives in a difficult location and faces ongoing persecution, which has led to a lot of stress for him and his family.

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Emily Luttrull Emily Luttrull

Myanmar Christmas Parties

Our Myanmar Field Partners accomplished incredible work through their outreach programs in December.

In December, many of our Myanmar Field Partners host Christmas celebrations and outreaches for their communities. The gatherings are usually their biggest events of the year, and have elements of both humanitarian aid and gospel presentation.

Due in part to the Christmas Parties, our Myanmar Field Partners reported that around 6500 people heard the gospel, over 300 started following Jesus, and 38 were baptized in December!

This incredible work comes during times of hardship in Myanmar. The military junta blocks transportation, restricting access to rice and other necessities. And recently, over 1,000 people were forced to tear down their homes and move. As our Field Partners are living in uncertainty and helping their neighbors and church members disassemble their homes, they are still going boldly to proclaim the hope of Christ.

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CJ Casciotta CJ Casciotta


While Myanmar is still in crisis, our Field Partners there are able to do amazing ministry despite the struggle.

Raj runs a vocational training program as a part of his ministry in Myanmar.

While Myanmar is still in crisis, our Field Partners there are able to do amazing ministry despite the struggle. 

In June alone, our church planters in Myanmar helped 50 people choose to follow Jesus and baptized 27!

Many of the church planters have taken initiative to start businesses that give them opportunities to share the gospel and develop relationships. Our partners are starting construction businesses, leading vocational training, and providing English tutoring. As our Church Planter liaison, David, said, "It is really encouraging to see the fruits that our church planters are having.”

Kenneth baptizing a young woman in Chin State

Of the 27 baptisms in June, Kenneth Chan Hmung baptized 20! Kenneth and his family have been ministering in Chin State, an area greatly affected by the war. They have moved from village to village, fleeing violence. But in the midst of this, he is sharing the gospel with many other refugees and young people.

David told us, “You may have already known that most Chin people are Christians, but it is not true at all for young generations. So it is amazing how God is reviving the young generation through some of our church planters."

Though it’s been nearly a year and a half since the military junta took over Myanmar, life has only gotten more difficult. Fighting continues throughout the country, making it dangerous or impossible for kids to go to school. One village is safe while the next village is burned. No one feels safe or settled, but this is just life in Myanmar today.

Recently, our staff prayed Romans 15:13 over our Myanmar partners: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

We are burdened by the struggles of our friends in Myanmar, and encouraged by their determination to make disciples in every circumstance. Join us as we continue to pray for hope, joy, and peace in the hearts of these church planters and for the country of Myanmar.

Pray for the safety of our partners and for the flourishing of their ministries. 

Pray for health, specifically for Ngun Khen, Duh Peng, and Isaiah.

Pray for the country of Myanmar, that it will be a place of peace once again.

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CJ Casciotta CJ Casciotta


Uncharted exists to make disciples and plant churches in forgotten and overlooked places. That means going where the work is hard, where progress is slow, and where few others are going.

Uncharted exists to make disciples and plant churches in forgotten and overlooked places. That means going where the work is hard, where progress is slow, and where few others are going. In order to fulfill this great commission, boldness is required—the boldness to be a light in the dark places, and the boldness to go where we are called.

In 2021, Uncharted took steps to Go Boldly in many ways—both in new locations and in our existing Communities. And we want to share with you the steps we take along the way.

Hear all about our new location from our Global Operations Director.

We are excited to share that in 2022, we are launching North Africa as a new Uncharted Location! War and the threat of violence has led millions of displaced Arab refugees to flee their home country for the safety of North Africa. These people come from one of the least reached people groups in the world, and now they live in a safer, more accessible location.

We are partnering with a like-minded organization to launch a team in a major city whose focus is on the displaced Arab refugee population living there. Uncharted is specifically supporting the team leaders—a married couple who is in the process of immigrating to North Africa. 

While the work is brand new and not yet started, it’s an exciting opportunity to be getting involved at the very beginning. God has already begun working in the hearts of these people, and there is a lot of potential in the region. Currently the team is looking at the potential to start women’s groups, and is already helping with food distributions.

Pray that the team leaders are able to proceed with the immigration process, that the team continues to learn more about the area they’ll be working in, and for the opportunities for new ministries in the region.

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CJ Casciotta CJ Casciotta


Since the recent political turnover in Central Asia, many parts of daily life have been limited by the new regime. But girls especially are the most vulnerable and face the most challenges.

Since the recent political turnover in Central Asia, many parts of daily life have been limited by the new regime. But girls especially are the most vulnerable and face the most challenges, including being denied the ability to continue their education. 

One of our field partners is helping run an underground school for girls who don’t have access to education or the money to join another course. He asked one student to describe her experience. She said that before she joined the school, “I was always at home, and felt in myself a dark cage and was imprisoned at home.”

Because of the support of the Uncharted community, these girls are able to receive not only material needs, but also hope for their future at a time when everything around them seems hopeless. Thank you for giving girls in Central Asia the opportunity to receive hope, love, and encouragement.

“I was always thinking that everyone in this world is evil and looking to disturb others. But this course changed my perspective. When I knew there are a lot of kindhearted people who are far away from you but feel your pains and try to help those who are in need regardless of race, gender, language, I became hopeful.”

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CJ Casciotta CJ Casciotta


It all begins with an idea.

“Go Boldly” is Uncharted’s tagline for a reason. Uncharted exists to make disciples and plant churches in forgotten and overlooked places. That means going where the work is hard, where progress is slow, and where few others are going. In order to fulfill this great commission, boldness is required—the boldness to be a light in the dark places, and the boldness to go where we are called.

“Go Boldly” is an invitation, and a promise.

In 2022, Uncharted has been given more opportunities than ever to continue to Go Boldly - both in new locations and in our existing Communities. And we want to share with you the steps we take along the way!

We’ve recently been exploring new ministries and partnerships in Serbia! Through connections with our Serbian friends and partners—Danko from Center Church and Laki from Lifegate—we’ve gotten to know a group of church planters in rural areas of Serbia. Many of them are Roma, and primarily work among other Roma people. Many of the people they serve, and the church planters themselves, are poor and their communities are starkly different than the city of Belgrade.

These church planters gather for training and discipleship. As leaders, they are sent out to surrounding cities, where they train other leaders to go do the same. They are living a discipleship multiplication movement, and doing it all with extremely limited resources.

We are so excited to have met these church planters who are already Going Boldly to proclaim the hope of Christ. As we move forward with our relationships and learn what our role can be, we will let you know how you can be praying for and supporting these new partners.

Join us as we embark on a journey of growth and discovery for Uncharted. Pray for discernment as we meet with new potential partners, take vision trips to new potential Communities, and expand existing work. Pray specifically for the church planters in Serbia—that they continue to be empowered to Go Boldly and that we learn the best way to care for them.

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