Our Newest Location

Over 3 billion people still haven’t heard the hope of the gospel. And the vast majority of global mission efforts are focused on places considered already reached. That’s why we’re committed to connecting you to disciple-makers in overlooked places, and to going boldly to new Locations where the local church needs support. And we’re excited to share our newest Location!

We’re proud to share that Uncharted now has six new Field Partners in the Himalayas! We are partnering with four men and two women who are recent graduations of church planting training, and are setting out to remote villages to share the gospel and create Christian community. Due to security concerns, we can’t publicly share our new Partner’s names, faces, or locations, but we are excited to keep you in the loop of their new ministries.

The region of our focus in the Himalayas is home to around 27 million unreached people and is considered less than 1% reached. Our Field Partners, all natives of the region, often have to travel to remote places in order to reach new villages, and that can mean biking 30-40 miles to visit a new church plant.

One new Partner, M*, is a young woman serving in a small village. M is from a low caste, or disrespected ethnic group, and is struggling to be accepted among high caste villagers. But despite these difficulties, M has led four people to Christ and started a house church with two of them.

We can’t wait to see how these brave men and women share the hope of Christ in their communities!


Myanmar Christmas Outreach


Ministry among the Romani people